Corona Virus Misinformation #1: POTUS Called this situation a hoax


May 27, 2007
I keep reading this from liberals. They claim President called the Corona Virus a hoax. I'll be the first to say the President could be more articulate or talk less even but we need to deal in facts not myths.

Did the President call this Corona situation a hoax?


No, the President did not call this situation a hoax. This i a lie, a fabrication and just untrue.

According to Politifact, a non-partisan, non-profit fact checking website, the below is the truth.

During a Feb. 28 campaign rally in North Charleston, S.C., Trump called the Democratic response to COVID-19 a "hoax." But he did not use the term to describe the virus itself.

During a press conference Feb. 29, Trump was asked about his remarks.

"I'm not talking about what's happening here; I'm talking what they're doing," he said, referring to Democrats. "That's the hoax."

Trump’s comments feed into a conspiracy theory that claims Democrats and the media are fabricating the threat of COVID-19 to hurt the economy and the president’s re-election chances. And the president appeared to downplay the threat of the virus at several points in recent weeks.

But to say that Trump called the virus itself a hoax is false. Plus, the administration took its first action in January by setting up a task force to address the spread of the coronavirus.

Ok, now let's not talk about this again and waste everyone's time. This is the answer.

May 27, 2007
Corona Virus Misinformation #2: POTUS has cut funding to the CDC

It's just not true. Again, let's get the answer from a reliable source and put this issue to bed right? Did the President cut funding to the CDC? The answer, according to Politifact is "NO." Let's not discuss this again.


According to Politifact:

<article class="m-textblock" style="box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 1.25rem; line-height: 1.6; color: rgb(65, 66, 70);">While it’s not accurate to say that Trump "cut" funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is accurate to say he tried.

The Trump administration’s initial proposals for the budgets for emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases at the CDC — a key player in the fight against coronavirus — have consistently been lower than what was spent the previous year.

However, Congress reshapes presidential recommendations as it sees fit when it crafts final spending bills.

Every year since Trump has been president, lawmakers have passed funding bills — which he has signed — that not only exceeded what Trump requested for emerging infections but also exceeded the previous year’s spending.

As the chart below shows, funding increased every year from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2020. (We have not included the 2017 proposal, since that was submitted by the Obama administration. The figures for 2020 are preliminary.)

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-width: initial; border-style: none; width: 671px; height: 704px;"></iframe>

On Feb. 24, Trump asked Congress for a $2.5 billion supplemental budget to help combat the emergence of this coronavirus. House Democrats said the amount was insufficient, and instead passed an $8.3 billion bill that Trump signed March 6. The money will fund efforts to develop a vaccine and help local governments respond to the pandemic.


May 27, 2007
Corona Virus Misinformation #3: POTUS fired his Pandemic Response Team

Let's dive in to what really happened. Let's get rid of the misinformation and put this issue to bed once and for all.

According to Politifact, a non-partisan, non-profit fact checking website.


"He fired the pandemic team two years ago"

"Fired" may be a strong word, but there have been abrupt changes to key national security posts with responsibility for global pandemics. More recently the administration has assigned new officials to take leadership roles.

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.

After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.

In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.

"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Instead, Trump has looked within his administration to fill roles for the coronavirus response.

Last month, Trump appointed his Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, to chair a coronavirus task force. On Feb. 26, he announced that Vice President Mike Pence would be taking charge of the U.S. response to the coronavirus.

And the following day, Pence announced he was appointing Ambassador Debbie Birx to assist the effort as "White House coronavirus response coordinator." Birx is a physician and global health expert who is currently responsible for coordinating the State Department's HIV/AIDS task force. The White House said she will be supported by NSC staff in her role.

May 27, 2007
Corona Virus Misinformation #4: Sunlight can kill the Corona Virus

This theory was actually brought forth by our leading Corona expert Moby Dick Mobthroater. Is it true? Let's go to Politifact and get the truth.


[h=2]No, sunlight has not been proven to kill coronavirus[/h]
  • Dr. Greg Murphy, a Republican Congressman from North Carolina, said sunlight can kill the novel coronavirus.
  • This is a common theory because sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, which can kill bacteria.
  • However, experts say the sun's UV light isn't intense enough to rely on as a disinfectant.

May 27, 2007
Corona Virus Misinformation #5: Italy has decided not to treat their elderly infected with this virus

Just not true.


Italy’s overwhelmed hospitals are treating elderly COVID-19 patients as a lower priority

  • Italy, second only to China in the number of COVID-19 cases, hasn’t decided to stop treating elderly COVID-19 patients.
  • But the elderly are a lower priority because they are less likely to survive and hospitals are overwhelmed with coronavirus cases.

May 27, 2007
Corona Virus Misinformation #6: This virus snuck up on the President

No it did not. I don't know why he keeps saying this.


[h=2]Was the novel coronavirus really sneaky in its spread to the U.S.? Experts say no[/h]
  • Members of the Trump administration have been sounding the alarm for months.
  • Public health experts have been warning for years about the threat of a pandemic.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Just not true.


Italy’s overwhelmed hospitals are treating elderly COVID-19 patients as a lower priority

  • Italy, second only to China in the number of COVID-19 cases, hasn’t decided to stop treating elderly COVID-19 patients.
  • But the elderly are a lower priority because they are less likely to survive and hospitals are overwhelmed with coronavirus cases.

Russia sending help to Italy also

May 27, 2007
Why is Mob sending me PM's now?

"Are you prepping for another 16 hour day shift here arguing? You’re the definition of a loser bro. Wow"

Feb 6, 2007
Why is Mob sending me PM's now?

"Are you prepping for another 16 hour day shift here arguing? You’re the definition of a loser bro. Wow"

You only want to talk when people are watching. You’re a bitch. But real shit this is your life, you wanted six different topics on the main forum for you to run back and forth between all day fucking long. You’re a narcissist and you’re a whacko.


New member
Mar 17, 2015
Spamming the forum doesn't make it true. Even Snopes graded it as a "Mixed" bag cause his ramblings at his Nazi rallies are often incoherent and all over the place. Plus they didn't take into account all the other nutty quotes he's said following his hoax comment.

"We have it totally under control, it's only 1 person coming in from China"
"We only have 15 infected, it'll be 0 soon"
"One day it's a miracle, it was disappear like magic"
"Miraculously it'll disappear by April"

Sure sounds like someone who believes it's a hoax.
Feb 6, 2007
Facts. “Spamming the forum doesnt make it true.”

He should be banned honestly. Go outside this virus is media hysteria isn’t it?

May 27, 2007
Facts. “Spamming the forum doesnt make it true.”

He should be banned honestly. Go outside this virus is media hysteria isn’t it?

There's no spam here ad it's disingenuous to say so. All of these are facts posted from a non-profit, non-partisan fact checking website. Please don't question the facts. They are what they are.

May 27, 2007
Why is Mob sending me PM's now?

"Are you prepping for another 16 hour day shift here arguing? You’re the definition of a loser bro. Wow"

You only want to talk when people are watching. You’re a bitch. But real shit this is your life, you wanted six different topics on the main forum for you to run back and forth between all day fucking long. You’re a narcissist and you’re a whacko.

Don't PM me anymore. I don't like you, want nothing to do with you and wouldn't care if you fell off a cliff tomorrow.

May 27, 2007
Spamming the forum doesn't make it true. Even Snopes graded it as a "Mixed" bag cause his ramblings at his Nazi rallies are often incoherent and all over the place. Plus they didn't take into account all the other nutty quotes he's said following his hoax comment.

"We have it totally under control, it's only 1 person coming in from China"
"We only have 15 infected, it'll be 0 soon"
"One day it's a miracle, it was disappear like magic"
"Miraculously it'll disappear by April"

Sure sounds like someone who believes it's a hoax.

There's no spam here. These are facts and I've cited my sources. If you question the facts, you believe in conspiracies. It's really that simple. Don't let your hate for Trump get in the way of real facts here.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
How many lies by the administration would you need before you agree they have been lying?

1, 5, 10, 20?

Lets start with this one:

10:00 a.m. last Sunday morning Mnuchin is on Sunday morning shows answering questions. He states that he doesn't think there will even be a recession because of the virus. (Sounds like efforts to make a spin that his boss wants his staff to give to get commentary).

Later that day about 5:00 they announce some sort of huge easing of funds.

2 days later he says unemployment could reach 20%. What happened to there wouldn't even be a recession? Pretty confident I know the answer.

It is comments like this by the administration that makes me not believe one thing they are saying. The only one I believe is Dr Fauci.....and he is always correcting them constantly when he gets in front of the microphone.

I have said it multiple times......just tell the truth.....that costs nothing and is what the American people want and deserve. How hard can it be.

This is a fluid situation and you are going to make mistakes....own up to them. I would have much more respect for someone that makes a decision and later says it was the wrong decision.....than someone that lies to my face and thinks I am too dumb to know they are lying to me.

May 27, 2007
How many lies by the administration would you need before you agree they have been lying?

1, 5, 10, 20?

Lets start with this one:

10:00 a.m. last Sunday morning Mnuchin is on Sunday morning shows answering questions. He states that he doesn't think there will even be a recession because of the virus. (Sounds like efforts to make a spin that his boss wants his staff to give to get commentary).

Later that day about 5:00 they announce some sort of huge easing of funds.

2 days later he says unemployment could reach 20%. What happened to there wouldn't even be a recession? Pretty confident I know the answer.

It is comments like this by the administration that makes me not believe one thing they are saying. The only one I believe is Dr Fauci.....and he is always correcting them constantly when he gets in front of the microphone.

I have said it multiple times......just tell the truth.....that costs nothing and is what the American people want and deserve. How hard can it be.

This is a fluid situation and you are going to make mistakes....own up to them. I would have much more respect for someone that makes a decision and later says it was the wrong decision.....than someone that lies to my face and thinks I am too dumb to know they are lying to me.

Agree the administration should always be transparent right? Agree.

That said, saying "He doesn't think there will be a recession" is an opinion and his opinion was wrong. He didn't lie. Would I have made a prediction like that if I were him? Nope but he was wrong. He didn't lie, he offered an opinion.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
There's no spam here. These are facts and I've cited my sources. If you question the facts, you believe in conspiracies. It's really that simple. Don't let your hate for Trump get in the way of real facts here.

Dont let Trumps actual words get in the way of your opinion and fact checking

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Agree the administration should always be transparent right? Agree.

That said, saying "He doesn't think there will be a recession" is an opinion and his opinion was wrong. He didn't lie. Would I have made a prediction like that if I were him? Nope but he was wrong. He didn't lie, he offered an opinion.

so his "opinion" changed in 8 hours.....come on man

New member
Mar 17, 2015
The quotes are directly from the horse's mouth. Are you claiming they're not factual? And they clearly show someone who believes it's a hoax that'll disappear like magic. You're the only one trying to spin it claiming he blatantly lied to fool the public to save them from themselves.

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